ACAT Policies
Eligibility Appeals
A candidate whose eligibility has been denied by ACAT may appeal the decision to the ACAT Vice President within thirty (30) calendar days after notification of the adverse decision. The candidate must submit the appeal in writing (email is acceptable), and explain in detail:
- The nature of the request and the specific facts and circumstances supporting the request, and
- all reasons why the action or decision should be changed or modified.
The candidate must also provide accurate copies of all supporting documents. Eligibility appeals will be reviewed by the ACAT Vice President and responded to in writing within 15 business days of the postmarked appeal request letter.
If the issue cannot be resolved by the ACAT Vice President, the appeal is referred to the Board of Directors. The decision of the Board of Directors is final.
Examination Appeals
Complaints or appeals may be submitted in writing prior to the examination and up until thirty (30) days after examination administration. Written appeals must be submitted with supporting documentation or evidence to the ACAT Vice President.
The burden of proof is borne by the applicant. The decision of the Board is final. Complaints or appeals are not considered after the thirty (30) days have expired. Because of the thorough review and analysis of each question during the examination construction procedures, there are no appeal procedures to challenge individual examination questions or answers. Because of the secure nature of these examinations, ACAT will not disclose examination questions. Candidates responses to particular test questions (correct or not correct) will not be disclosed.
ACAT is committed to protecting confidential information related to applicants, candidates, and certificants. Confidential materials include, but are not limited to: an individual’s application, application status, personal applicant /certificant information, exam items and answers, exam forms, and individual exam scores.
Personal information about a candidate/certificant will only be released to that candidate/certificant if release of the information is authorized in writing by the individual or is required by law. Personal information submitted by applicant /certificants with an application or renewal application is considered confidential. Personal information retained within the applicant/certificant database will be kept confidential.
Examination scores are released only to the examination candidate unless a signed release is provided in writing by the individual or is required by law.
Release of Information
The names of certified individuals are not considered confidential and may be published by the ACAT.
Aggregate examination statistics (including the number of examination candidates, pass/fail rates, and total number of certificants) are made available on the ACAT website. Aggregate examination statistics, studies and reports concerning applicants/certificants contain no information identifiable with any applicant/certificant.
Record Retention
ACAT retains all examination forms, examination development documents, examination results, examination items, active examination application information, and active applicant/candidate/certificants data indefinitely.
*ACAT’s role is in developing and administering certification examinations to determine the qualifications of candidates for certification. ACAT does not approve, endorse, or recommend any education or training programs or products designed or intended to prepare candidates for ABA certification. Purchase of NSA review materials is not a requirement for testing, nor does use of any review materials (NSA or otherwise) imply successful performance on the ACAT certification examinations.