Preparing for your ACAT Examination

Now that you’ve decided to sit for an ACAT exam, it’s time to make sure you are prepared to succeed! ACAT partners with the National Society of Accountants (NSA) to provide study materials for each of its four examinations. Written by leading CPAs, EAs, tax law, and ethics experts to provide and published by the NSA, each course and exam are created using the exam outline/blueprint, making them an essential tool to help determine how and what you need to review prior to examination. Click on each credential logo below to view the available resources!

Along with the exam preparation material available through the NSA website, ACAT has also developed a Candidate Handbook to help answer all your questions throughout the process of earning your credential.

And, don’t forget to review the Exam Blueprint for your specific exam to review the content that you’ll need to study.

You can also view our What to Expect on Exam Day information ahead of your examination date.

To view a demonstration of the online test delivery stem, please view this free sample test. Please note: The content of the sample examination does not include content from the actual examination.

*ACAT’s role is in developing and administering certification examinations to determine the qualifications of candidates for certification. ACAT does not approve, endorse, or recommend any education or training programs or products designed or intended to prepare candidates for ABA certification. Purchase of NSA review materials is not a requirement for testing, nor does use of any review materials (NSA or otherwise) imply successful performance on the ACAT certification examinations.