Certifications matter, especially when they are voluntarily earned and administered by a non-profit, independent organization. We realize that there are other certifications out there that practitioners have the opportunity to earn but know that our credentials are the best voluntary designations a practitioner can earn.

Since 1973

With over 50 years of experience, ACAT credentials aren’t new and are widely respected by accounting and tax practitioners. As you seek out a credential, make sure your organization has a track record like ACAT to provide you the stability needed in your career.


Certifications are not required in the industry and show a level of dedication and commitment to your career and assure clients you have the knowledge, skills, and ethics to serve the public.


While the accounting and tax industry has changed drastically since we began, ACAT credentials are well-respected and recognized. Certificants holding the Accredited Business Accountant designation in the states of Iowa and Minnesota can apply to practice public accountancy in those states. Those who hold the Accredited Tax Preparer (and ABA) designation who certify to us they’ve met the required CPE annually are also exempt from the Internal Revenue Service’s annual filing season program. ACAT is the only voluntary organization-based credentialing body who is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service for two credentials maintaining an AFSP exemption.